Marine Construction

Enhance your waterfront property with our durable docks and piers, protect it with robust sea walls, and keep your boat high and dry with our reliable lifts. Choose us for long-lasting marine construction and a safer, more enjoyable shoreline.

  • Docks and Piers: Enhance your waterfront property with our durable docks, built tough to withstand the worst storms the coast can throw at them. We install concrete (Hog Slat) as well as wooden and marine deck docks.
  • Sea Walls: Our sea walls are your first defense against the water’s power. They stand strong against waves and erosion, keeping your property safe and sound.
  • Boat Lifts: Get your boat up and out of the water with our sturdy boat lifts. They’re built to keep your boat safe, no matter the weather.
  • Pile Driving: Our expert pile driving services will help you start with a solid foundation. This is perfect for docks, piers, or other waterfront constructions.
  • Boat Houses: Safeguard your boat and waterfront investments with our durable and weather-resistant boat houses.

overhead shot of concrete pier with boat lifts, Bobby Cahoon Marine Construction


Bobby Cahoon Marine Construction logo, anchor with rope

View more Services

  • Docks and Piers
  • Sea Walls
  • Boat Lifts
  • Pile Driving
  • Boat Houses
  • Lot Clearing
  • Excavating & Backhoe Work
  • Bulkhead Back-filling
  • Foundation Pads
  • Demolition
  • Tree Removal
  • Rock Hauling
  • Dirt Hauling
  • Sand Hauling
  • Gravel Hauling
  • Septic Tank Installation (Individual)
  • Mound Installation